Saturday, Sunday December 8 and 9. After all Masses join us in the lower level of the church.
Adult Education
Adult Education
Tuesday, October 9th , 2012
7:00 p.m.
Lower Level of the Church
Father Michael Schaab will speak on Vatican II: Celebrating 50 years of Its Impact.
Mike Miller Autopark Fundraiser
Throughout the month of October every family who test drives a car this month and mentions “St. Thomas”, Mike Miller will donate $50 to St. Thomas School. There are other incentives too! Click here for more information.
Parish Retreat
Parish Mission: “On the Road: Walking through the Gospels and through Life” October 13-17, 2012 “It is with great joy and enthusiasm I welcome Brother Mike Moran to St Thomas Parish.We all have fond and blessed memories of his Passionist community member Fr Bob Joerger who presented two missions here at St Thomas in the […]
75th Anniversary Welcome
Labor Day Mass
9:00 am This is our only Mass that day.