For parishioners with limited mobility, you are invited to sit in the front pews and Communion will be brought directly to you. You may also ask an usher to make sure that Communion is brought to you.
For those who are not able to come to Mass, we are happy to bring Communion to you. Our priests bring Communion monthly, often on First Friday, and our extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion bring Communion at other times during the month.
If you are homebound, please contact the parish office to be added to our homebound list. Deacon Ed Mallow helps to coordinate this list.
For those who are sick or preparing for surgery, we are happy to offer the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick. Please contact the parish office or speak with one of the priests after Mass to make arrangements.
In the case of a medical emergency, please do not hesitate to ask for one of the priests to come out to administer the Anointing of the Sick. In danger of death, the priests will offer anointing, absolution, and the Apostolic Pardon. If possible, Communion can be given as Viaticum.
To reach a priest in an emergency, please call the parish, 688-3446, and press 9 to reach the priest on call.