904 East Lake Avenue | Peoria Heights, Illinois

Marriage Blessings

St. Thomas Church , United States

Couples with major wedding anniversaries during the month of December are recognized for a blessing.

Eucharistic Adoration

The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed throughout the day. Please come to spend time in prayer before Our Lord.

Donut Sunday

Join us after morning Masses for coffee and donuts.

Financial Peace University

The Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University program begins for those who want to learn more about better managing money. Sessions take place in the church basement. Register online at www.fpu.com/1076430

Marriage Blessings

Couples with marriage anniversaries in January are recognized for a blessing.

Eucharistic Adoration

The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed throughout the day. Please come to spend time in prayer before Our Lord.

Donut Sunday

Join us after morning Masses for coffee and donuts.