If you would like to contribute to the Auction Decorations, we would be ever so grateful! Please put your name on them and we will get them back to you if you would like them returned!
Toys –Needed by October 15th
- Lite Brites and Lite Brite Pegs
- Etch-A-Sketch
- Mr. Potato Head
- Jack-in-the-Boxes
- Wooden Blocks (with letters would be great)
Christmas Items – Needed by October 15th
- ELF on the SHELF
- Garland & Tinsel
- Ornaments
- Christmas Wrapping Paper that you no longer want
- White & Colored Christmas Lights
- Christmas Tree Stands
- Faux Christmas Trees with Stands – need a commitment by October 15th, date needed to be determined
Miscellaneous –
- Round plastic lids from butter tubs, cottage cheese, large yogurt, etc. – needed by November 1st
LEGO SKYSCRAPERS –Need a commitment by October 15th, needed on Monday December 1st
- Calling all Lego Master Builders! We are in need of creative kids to build Lego Skyscrapers!
If you have a base plate and can create your own version of a New York City skyscraper we would love to borrow it! Please put your name on it with tape and on your base plate.
Please text Jen Tyre at (309) 472-2929 or email at jentyre12@gmail.com and we can set up a time and place to drop off your items. I would like to have the toy items, as soon as possible
Thank you so much for helping!!! – Jen Tyre