Mass Schedule

Weekend Masses
Saturday 5:00 pm (vigil)
Sunday 8:00 am, 10:00 am, 5:00 pm

Weekday Masses
7:00 am Monday through Friday
8:00 am Monday through Saturday
(moved to 2:30 pm for school Masses)

Saturdays, 4:00 - 4:45 PM and
6:00 PM (until the last confession is heard)

Quick Links:

You can watch our YouTube Channel for archived Masses and RCIA classes, or catch up on messages from Msgr. Gray by watching the videos online:

Download My Parish App by visiting
Receive the bulletin and announcements in weekly emails from the parish. If you would like to sign up for these emails, send your request to

Beyond the parish website, how else can I contribute electronically?

  • We have an easy and convenient way to contribute electronically with a simple text messaging feature that you can use.
  • Follow these steps:
  • Set up a new contact in your phone as "St Thomas Giving" with the phone number of (309) 455-5425
  • Go to your text feature and text the word "Give" to the contact "St Thomas Giving"
  • A bubble will pop up that says: "You're almost done! Finish your gift to St Thomas the Apostle Parish with this link:"
  • Click on that link and a St Thomas page pops up with our logo that allows you to:
  • Select a fund such as Sunday Collection, Sponsor A Student, etc
  • Enter the amount you want to give
  • Select how you would like to give and enter the information necessary and hit Submit.
  • In order to have your banking information or credit card information saved so that you do not have to enter it in the future, you can download an App on your phone. The App is called ConnectNow Giving. Once your information is saved in the App, it will default to that payment method if you want to use the texting feature.

For more information about the Cause of the Venerable Servant of God Fulton J. Sheen, visit