Goals and Objectives
WATCH is a co-ed renewal weekend program designed to renew the individual in the Parish.
Who we’re looking for
We invite all men and women, parish members especially, but all are welcome. All faiths are welcome. Participants should be 20 years or older.
Ministry Events
St. Thomas currently offers one WATCH weekend each year during Lent. Participants enter on Friday eve and leave Sunday at 4:00 pm. No overnight stays – go home to your own bed! We have a series of talks, para-liturgies and slide movies – all centered around the theme of a better relationship with God (vertical beam of cross)and each other (horizontal beam of cross). There is fun, prayer, personal time and great meals. Since 1988, WATCH is in over 70 parishes/churches in 6 states and in Belize. As an organization, we try to be as active in parish activities as possible.
WATCH Luck of the Draw Raffle
All year Raffle – $10.00 per ticket
2 drawings each month – $50.00 ea
4 special drawing per year – $100.00 ea
Aug 31st Grand Prize $1000.00
2nd Prize $500.00
Every ticket stays in ALL year, even after you win!
Proceeds further the WATCH program – Winners posted in bulletin
Pete Martin, raffle chairman 689-3948
Mail stubs with check to:
PO Box 3706
Peoria, IL 61601
Getting Involved
Announcements will appear in bulletin and fliers with registration will be in Gathering Space before each weekend. Parish office can take your registration. For questions or to register: Bonnie Stroot, Lay Spiritual Director: strootb@yahoo.com, (309) 686-4071 or Dcn Mark Kelsch (309) 691-3489, kelsch@mtco.com
Time Commitment
The time committment for the participants is the entire weekend; Friday eve until Sunday afternoon. All are encouraged to help out with future weekends by praying in chapel, serving meals or being a part of the team. WATCH has a board that meets approximately 6 times a year.