904 East Lake Avenue | Peoria Heights, Illinois

Food Pantry Move

Help is needed to move our Food Pantry supplies to the new room in the Old Gym.  Volunteers are welcome, including students looking for service hourse.

Meet and Greet Day

School families are invited in the school building as we prepare for the new school year.

School Begins

St. Thomas School , United States

We welcome students back for a new school year.

Marriage Blessings

St. Thomas Church , United States

Couples with major wedding anniversaries during the month of August are recognized for a blessing.

Labor Day

St. Thomas Church , United States

On Labor Day, there will be only one Mass at 9:00 AM

CCD Mass

The new year of CCD classes begin with our opening Mass.

Eucharistic Adoration

St. Thomas Chapel , United States

The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed throughout the day. Please come to spend time in prayer before Our Lord.