2024 St. Thomas Golf Scramble
Friday, September 20, 2024 ● MT. Hawley Country Club
All golf outing proceeds will be used in the support of the St. Thomas Sponsor a Student Tuition Assistance program. The net proceeds from the outing will again fund scholarships for students at St. Thomas. The goal of the Men’s Club is to fund 20 scholarships for St. Thomas families. Your support of the golf outing is greatly appreciated!
Golfer sponsorship includes: Green fees, Cart, Range Balls, and Food + Drinks in the Club House after the event.
Registration Deadline Friday, September 13th
Late registration after September 13th, $140 Per Person
Sponsorship Opportunities
TITLE SPONSORSHIP $2,500 / Sponsorship
Placement of company logo at all sponsorship levels. Logo as title sponsor on welcoming banner. Logo on all printed materials.
TEE SPONSOR $150 / 36 Sponsors
Placement of company logo sign at the Tee Box or at the Hole.
- Golf Beverage Sponsors: $250 / Logo on Sign at beverage stations
- Reception Sponsor - $250 / Logo on Reception Tables
Feature your business by donating a raffle or prize item. Please drop off prize or raffle item to Macro Wealth Management at 6915 N. Knoxville Ave, Peoria IL 61614 Include donor information and value (optional).
- Registration/Check-in 11:00am-11:45am
- Shotgun Starts at Noon (Be at your hole by Noon)
- Followed by Food & Drinks in the Club House
- Registration Deadline Friday, September 13th
- Late Registration $140 Per Person
For more information please contact:
Terri Moon (309) 688-3446
Email: terrimoon@stthomas-church.net